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Transition Coaching

The only constant in life is change, whether on a personal or career level. Chameleon Leadership provides transition coaching for:

We will provide you with practical tools so that you can “walk a new talk”.

Managers transitioning to leadership roles

We will help you to identify the leadership competencies, skills and behaviours that you need to develop, to shift from being a manager to a leader. These roles require:

    • Confidence, self-awareness and resilience
    • Enhanced communication skills to build teams and manage stakeholder
    • Strategic visioning and increased environmental and systems awareness
    • The ability to manage and take responsibility for the complexities of constant change
    • Greater awareness of the culture that you are perpetuating within the organisation
    • Skills to shift from being the technical expert to a leader that sets the direction for the team.

Leaders and managers who feel stuck in a rut

Chameleon Leadership will work with you to explore why you are bored, dissatisfied or not moving ahead in the organisation. We will support you to address the underlying skills, behaviours and thought patterns that are keeping where you are.

Coaching gives you an opportunity to re-evaluate your career and life choices. It allows you to weigh up the pros and cons of climbing the corporate ladder, staying where you are, moving sideways or changing career.  A greater sense of clarity and purpose will improve job satisfaction.

You may have found your ‘sweet spot’ within the organisation but need a different perspective and approach to make the role new and exciting. Alternatively, acquiring or demonstrating new or improved skills or behaviours may support your application to higher ranks within the organisation or assist you to find a job in a more appropriate position.

Individuals who are ‘burnt out’ from the pressures of work

Everything is moving faster within organisations. Staff are working longer hours and  quicker responses are expected. Staying in this pressure cooker environment for long periods can lead to burn out.

Major transitions in life, such as a divorce, house move or death of a loved one can increase stress and impact negatively on your outlook on life.

You may be like the boiled frog, gradually  acclimatising to increasing water temperatures; only realising that you are no longer coping when the water reaches boiling point.

Too many people reach breaking point before they are motivated to look for help or consider a new beginning.  It is better to reassess your situation and implement new strategies before you reach that stage.

Transition coaching will support you to:

  • Reassess your goals and values
  • Weigh up the pros and cons of continuing in the same situation with a different outlook or exploring and acting on new opportunities
  • Implement changes that lead to a better work-life balance
  • Use strategies that improve resilience.
Contact Us now to discuss how we can support you to manage the transition